Dublin Robotics FLL District Tournament – January 10th

We invite you to attend the Dublin Robotics District Tournament January 10th at Dublin Jerome H.S. We will be hosting a 32 team competition from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. There are over 100 FLL teams in Central Ohio and we hope you can find the time to attend this Saturday to learn more about the students and the robotics program.

FLL introduces students age 9-14 to programming, engineering, and creative problem solving.  Themed competitions require teams to do a research project, presentation, and build and program a LEGO® MINDSTORM® NXT robot to perform a series of tasks. This year, Dublin Robotics Boosters is sponsoring 19 FIRST LEGO LEAGUE teams from 4 middle schools and 10 elementary schools with 180 students participating.


What is the future of learning? 
 LEGO League teams will find the answers.  Teams will teach adults about the ways that kids need and want to learn. Get ready for a whole new class – FLL WORLD CLASS!

The Project

For the Project each team identified a topic that they are passionate about or always wanted to learn; created an innovative solution that improves the learning experience; and shared their solution with others. The board of the Dublin Robotics Boosters would like to invite any member of the Dublin Community to become involved with this program by volunteering at the FLL Dublin Robotics Tournament, encouraging you to coach a team next year or becoming a sponsor for the high school robotics team Bad Robot.

Cynthia J. Bryden
President, Dublin Robotics Boosters

Team 1014 Bad Robots has a season Kick off Saturday Jan 3rd 1:00 PM

Meeting Schedule for 2015 Build Season
(All meetings start in Coffman A122, use door #1 by the tennis courts to enter)

January 3 – Kickoff meeting, 1:00 pm at Coffman
Mondays - 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Tuesdays - 3:00 – 5:00 pm, 6:30-9:00 pm
Wednesdays – 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Thursdays - 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Saturdays - 9:00 – 4:00 pm

Remember, most students come to 2-4 meetings per week. You don’t have to be available all of those times. When you join one of more of the component design teams there will be a meeting schedule for those teams (based on when the members are available) and you can contact your team leader to know when they meet.